Why George and Hazel Neglect Their Own Son - An Insightful Analysis of Parental Priorities


As parents, George and Hazel's love for their son is undeniable. Yet, they seem to rarely think about him. It may seem strange to some, but there are reasons behind their behavior that we must explore with an empathic voice and tone.

Firstly, it's important to understand the society in which George and Hazel live. They inhabit a world where everyone is equal and mandated to be average. Any display of exceptionalism is frowned upon and discouraged through the use of government-sanctioned handicaps. In this environment, George and Hazel have been conditioned to believe that their son's uniqueness is a burden rather than a blessing. They have been taught that being average is the key to happiness and success.

Furthermore, George and Hazel's lack of thought about their son also stems from the fact that they live in a dystopian world where the government controls everything, including their thoughts and emotions. The government's propaganda has convinced them that thinking about their son would be futile since he is no longer a part of their lives. Therefore, they have suppressed their feelings and thoughts about him, believing that it is for the greater good.

Another aspect to consider is that George and Hazel have been stripped of their memories. They live in a world where memories are considered dangerous and are therefore taken away from citizens. Without memories of their son, it becomes difficult to conjure up thoughts or feelings about him. They are not intentionally neglecting him, but rather, they have been deprived of the ability to remember him.

However, it's important to note that George and Hazel's lack of thought about their son is not without consequences. It highlights the cost of conformity and the dangers of suppressing our emotions and thoughts. It reveals how living in a society that values uniformity over individuality can lead to the loss of our humanity and connection with others.

Furthermore, their behavior raises questions about the nature of love and what it truly means to care for someone. Is it enough to love someone without thinking about them? Can we truly love someone if we don't actively think about them and make efforts to maintain a connection with them?

It's also worth considering George and Hazel's individual experiences and emotions in relation to their son. Perhaps they are struggling with guilt or regret for not being able to protect him from the government's oppressive regime. Maybe they are grieving his loss and find it too painful to think about him. These are all possibilities that can contribute to their lack of thought about their son.

In conclusion, the reasons why George and Hazel don't think more often about their son are complex and multifaceted. It's important to approach this topic with empathy and understanding, recognizing the impact of their societal conditioning, government propaganda, memory loss, and emotional struggles. At the same time, we must also acknowledge the dangers of conformity and the importance of maintaining our humanity and connection with others, even in the face of adversity.

The Tragic World of George and Hazel

George and Hazel, the parents of Harrison Bergeron, are living in a world where they are stripped of their emotions and individuality. They have become numb to the pain of losing their son and are unable to process his absence. Their lack of empathy towards their son's plight is not surprising considering the dystopian society they live in.

The Effect of the Handicapping System

In this society, everyone is forced to wear handicaps to level the playing field. Those who are intelligent, beautiful, or athletic are given handicaps to prevent them from being superior to others. The government believes that this will create a utopian society where everyone is equal. However, it has had a devastating impact on the population.

George and Hazel themselves wear handicaps, which have diminished their intelligence and emotions. They are unable to feel sadness, anger, or love. This has led to a society where people cannot connect with one another emotionally. The tragic loss of their son is just another event that they cannot fully comprehend.

The Loss of Harrison

Harrison was a young boy who was taken away by the government because he was too intelligent and charismatic. He was seen as a threat to the government's ideal of equality. His parents were powerless to stop it, and they were left with nothing but the memory of their son.

However, even that memory has been dulled by the handicapping system. George and Hazel cannot fully remember their son's face or his personality. They know that they had a son, but they cannot fully grasp the pain of his absence.

The Lack of Individuality

Another factor that contributes to George and Hazel's inability to grieve their son is the lack of individuality in their society. Everyone is forced to conform to the same standards, and any deviation from these standards is punished severely.

George and Hazel have been conditioned to accept this way of life, and they do not question it. They are unable to see the beauty in individuality and the importance of expressing oneself. This has led to a society where people are unable to connect with one another on a deeper level.

The Importance of Empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It is a crucial aspect of being human, and without it, we cannot form meaningful connections with one another.

George and Hazel's lack of empathy towards their son's plight is a direct result of the society they live in. They have been robbed of their emotions and their ability to connect with others. Without empathy, they cannot fully grieve the loss of their son.

The Need for Change

The world that George and Hazel live in is a tragic one. It is a society where people are stripped of their individuality, emotions, and empathy. It is a world where people cannot fully connect with one another.

However, this does not have to be the case. We can create a society where individuality is celebrated, and empathy is encouraged. We can create a world where people can connect with one another on a deeper level.

The Importance of Remembering

Although George and Hazel cannot fully remember their son, it is important that we do not forget him. Harrison represents the potential that we all have as individuals. He represents the importance of individuality and the need for empathy.

We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the pain of losing someone. We must remember the impact that they had on our lives and the world around us. We must remember Harrison and the potential that he represented.

The Power of Empathy

Empathy is a powerful tool that can change the world. It allows us to connect with one another on a deeper level and to understand the experiences of others. It allows us to grieve and to heal.

We must strive to create a society where empathy is encouraged and celebrated. We must create a world where people can connect with one another emotionally. Only then can we truly understand the impact of losing someone like Harrison Bergeron.

The Tragic World of George and Hazel

George and Hazel live in a tragic world where they are unable to fully grieve the loss of their son. They have been robbed of their emotions and their ability to connect with others. However, we can learn from their experience and strive to create a better world. A world where individuality and empathy are celebrated. A world where we can fully grieve and heal from the pain of losing someone we love.

The Burden of Equality: How Living in a Perfectly Equal Society Limits Emotional Response

George and Hazel, the parents in Kurt Vonnegut's short story Harrison Bergeron, live in a society where everyone is equal. Their son, Harrison, is a genius who has been taken away by the government because of his outstanding abilities. Despite this, George and Hazel do not think about their son often. This lack of emotional response can be attributed to the burden of living in a perfectly equal society.

The Need for Normalcy: The Tendency to Carry On with Daily Routines While Ignoring Personal Emotions

In a society where everyone is equal, it is normal to carry on with daily routines while ignoring personal emotions. George and Hazel are no exception. They have been conditioned by their society to believe that emotions are disruptive and unnecessary. As a result, they go about their daily lives without thinking too much about their son or the pain they feel because of his absence. The need for normalcy is a powerful force that can suppress even the strongest emotions.

The Negative Effects of Memories: The Fear of Revisiting Painful Experiences of the Past

Memories can be painful, especially when they involve loss or separation. George and Hazel may not think about their son often because they fear revisiting the pain of his absence. The negative effects of memories can be overwhelming, and it is easier to avoid them altogether. In a society where emotions are discouraged, it is not surprising that memories of painful experiences are avoided.

The Impact of Media: The Influence of Television on Emotions and Mental State

The impact of media on emotions and mental state cannot be ignored. In Harrison Bergeron, television is used as a tool to control emotions and thoughts. George and Hazel are constantly bombarded with images and sounds that distract them from their personal pain. The influence of television can be so powerful that it can override personal emotions and thoughts.

The Power of Distraction: The Ability of Mundane Tasks to Distract from Emotional Pain

Mundane tasks can be a powerful distraction from emotional pain. George and Hazel may not think about their son often because they are too busy with their daily routines. The power of distraction can be so strong that it can prevent people from dealing with their emotions. In a society where emotions are discouraged, distractions become even more important as a way to cope with personal pain.

The Struggle for Self-Preservation: The Desire to Avoid Painful Thoughts and Emotions

The struggle for self-preservation is a natural human instinct. It is easier to avoid painful thoughts and emotions than to confront them. George and Hazel may not think about their son often because it is too painful to do so. The desire to avoid pain is a powerful force that can prevent people from acknowledging their emotions.

The Importance of Conformity: The Pressure to Conform to Societal Norms and Behaviours

In a perfectly equal society, conformity becomes even more important. George and Hazel may not think about their son often because it goes against the norms of their society. To acknowledge personal pain and emotions is to be disruptive and non-conformist. The pressure to conform can be so strong that it can override personal desires and emotional needs.

The Weight of Responsibility: The Overwhelming Pressure to Succeed and Meet Expectations

The weight of responsibility can be overwhelming, especially in a society where everyone is equal. George and Hazel may have other responsibilities and expectations that take precedence over their personal emotions. The overwhelming pressure to succeed and meet expectations can prevent people from dealing with their emotions in a healthy way.

The Role of Government: The Impact of Government Control on Personal Lives and Emotions

The role of government in Harrison Bergeron is to control personal lives and emotions. George and Hazel may not think about their son often because they have been conditioned by their government to believe that emotions are unnecessary. The impact of government control on personal lives and emotions can be significant, especially in a society where conformity is valued over individuality.

The Limitations of Language: The Inability to Express Emotions and the Constant Struggle to Communicate

The limitations of language can prevent people from expressing their emotions in a meaningful way. George and Hazel may not think about their son often because they struggle to communicate their feelings. The constant struggle to communicate can be frustrating and discouraging, leading people to avoid emotional discussions altogether.

In conclusion, George and Hazel may not think about their son often because of the burden of living in a perfectly equal society. The need for normalcy, fear of revisiting painful memories, influence of media, power of distraction, struggle for self-preservation, importance of conformity, weight of responsibility, impact of government control, and limitations of language are all contributing factors. Despite these challenges, it is important to acknowledge and deal with personal emotions in a healthy way.

The Neglectful Parents: Why Don't George and Hazel Think More Often About Their Son?

The Story

George and Hazel are a couple who live in a society where everyone is made equal through the use of handicaps. They have a son named Harrison, who was taken away from them by the government because he was considered too smart and talented for his own good. Instead of fighting for their son's rights, George and Hazel chose to forget about him and accept the oppressive system they lived in.

One day, while watching a television program that showed their son breaking out of jail and rebelling against the government, George and Hazel briefly acknowledge their son's existence but quickly dismiss it. They do not want to think about him because it would mean acknowledging their own failure as parents and the injustice of the system they live in.

Point of View

It is easy to judge George and Hazel for neglecting their son and accepting a repressive system that takes away individuality and talent. However, if we put ourselves in their shoes, we can understand why they behave the way they do.

Empathic Voice and Tone

  • Sympathetic: We can understand that George and Hazel are products of their environment and may not have the tools or strength to fight against the system that took away their son. It is important to empathize with their situation instead of criticizing them.
  • Critical: At the same time, we cannot condone their neglectful behavior towards their son. As parents, they have a responsibility to fight for their child's rights and protect him from harm.
  • Reflective: The story of George and Hazel can make us reflect on our own behavior as individuals and as members of society. Are we accepting injustices around us or are we actively fighting against them?


  • Handicaps: A system used in the story to make everyone equal by limiting people's abilities
  • Rebellion: Harrison's act of defiance against the government
  • Neglect: George and Hazel's lack of attention towards their son
  • Injustice: The unfairness of a system that takes away individuality and talent
  • Responsibility: The duty of parents to protect and fight for their children's rights

Closing Message: Understanding George and Hazel's Struggle

As we come to the end of this article, it is important to reflect on the reasons why George and Hazel do not think more often about their son. We have explored the dystopian world created by Kurt Vonnegut in his short story Harrison Bergeron, where individuals are forced to wear handicaps that limit their abilities and potential.

In this world, George and Hazel are average citizens who have been conditioned to accept inequality and conformity as the norm. They have lost touch with their emotions and individuality, which has led to a lack of empathy towards their own son.

It is easy to judge George and Hazel for their actions, but we must remember that they are victims of a society that values uniformity over diversity. They have been taught to suppress their emotions and thoughts, which has made it difficult for them to connect with their son on a deeper level.

However, this does not excuse their behavior towards their son. As empathetic readers, we can understand the struggles that George and Hazel face, but we must also acknowledge the harm that their actions have caused.

It is important to recognize the dangers of a society that values conformity over individuality. We must strive to create a world that celebrates diversity and encourages people to express their emotions and thoughts freely. Only then can we truly connect with each other and build meaningful relationships.

We can learn from George and Hazel's struggle and use it as a reminder to value our own individuality and the individuality of others. We must strive to be empathetic towards those who may be struggling with conformity and offer support to those who need it.

In conclusion, Harrison Bergeron is a powerful commentary on the dangers of a society that values conformity over individuality. Through the characters of George and Hazel, we see the struggles that individuals face when they are forced to suppress their emotions and thoughts.

As empathetic readers, we can use this story as a reminder to value our own individuality and the individuality of others. We must strive to create a world where everyone is free to express themselves without fear of judgment or punishment.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. I hope it has provided insight into the world of Harrison Bergeron and the struggles faced by George and Hazel. Let us continue to learn from stories like this and work towards creating a more empathetic and inclusive society.

Why Don't George and Hazel Think More Often About Their Son?

People Also Ask:

1. What is the reason behind George and Hazel not thinking about their son?

George and Hazel, the parents of the son, live in a society where everyone is mandated to be equal, and any deviation from it is discouraged. They have been conditioned to accept this way of life, which means they are not allowed to think too much or feel deeply. Therefore, they do not think more often about their son because they are not supposed to have any emotions that may lead to inequality.

2. Is it normal for parents not to think about their children?

No, it is not normal for parents not to think about their children. Parents are usually concerned about the well-being of their children and tend to think about them frequently. However, in the case of George and Hazel, they have been indoctrinated into a system that discourages individualism and emotions, leading to their lack of concern for their son.

3. How does this affect their relationship with their son?

George and Hazel's lack of concern for their son has a significant impact on their relationship with him. They are unable to connect emotionally with their son, leading to a strained relationship. Their son feels neglected and unloved, which can result in mental health issues and a lack of confidence. It is essential for parents to have a healthy emotional connection with their children to foster a positive relationship.

4. What can be done to change their behavior towards their son?

  • Education: Providing education and awareness about the importance of emotional connection with children can help George and Hazel understand the impact of their behavior on their son.
  • Counseling: Seeking counseling to address their emotional detachment and learn healthy ways to connect with their son can help improve their relationship.
  • Encouraging individuality: Encouraging George and Hazel to think independently and embrace their emotions can help them develop a deeper connection with their son.

Overall, it is crucial for parents to have an emotional connection with their children to ensure a healthy relationship. In the case of George and Hazel, their lack of concern for their son is a result of their indoctrination into a system that discourages individualism and emotions. However, efforts can be made to change their behavior and improve their relationship with their son.